
Sarasay Exotic Island

Barcode 7616800835969

Switzerland (CH)


1000.0 ml

Ingredients (German)

Fruchtsäfte aus Fruchtsaftkonzentrat und Fruchtmark 100%, Traube, Guave, Banane, Passionsfrucht, Zitrone, Mango, Ananas, Äpfel, Birne, Papaya

Ingredients (English)

Fruchtsaft aus konzentriertem Fruchtsaft und Fruchtfleisch 100% (Traube, Guave, Banane, Passionsfrucht, Zitrone, Mango, Ananas, Apfel, Birne, Papaya)

Ingredients (French)

jus de fruits à partir de jus de fruits concentrés et pulpe de fruits 100% (raisin, goyave, banane, fruit dela passion, citron, mangue, ananas, pomme, poire, papaye

Ingredients (Italian)

succhi di frutta ricavati da concentrato di succhi di frutta e polpa di frutta 100/, uva, guiava, banana, fruto della passione, limone, mango, ananas, mela, pom, papaia

Nutritional values
100 ml 200.0 ml
Energy (Calories / kCal) 64.0 kCal 128.0 kCal
Energy 272.0 kJ 554.0 kJ
Fat 0.5 g 0.5 g
Saturated fat 0.5 g 0.5 g
Carbohydrates 15.0 g 30.0 g
Sugars 14.0 g 28.0 g
Fiber 0.5 g 0.6 g
Protein 0.6 g 1.0 g
Salt 0.02 g 0.04 g
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