

Barcode 7613312014431

Switzerland (CH)


150.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Schokoladenpulver 51,0% (Zucker, Kakao), Zucker, fettarmer Kakao 8,0%, Emulgator (Sojalecithin), Kochsalz jodiert, Aroma.

Ingredients (English)

chocolate powder 51.0% (sugar, cocoa), sugar, cocoa strongly defatted 8.0%, emulsifier (soy lecithin), iodized salt, flavoring.

Ingredients (French)

chocolat en poudre 51,0% (sucre, cacao), sucre, cacao fortement dégraissé 8,0%, émulsifiant (lécithine de soja), sel de cuisine iodé, arôme.

Ingredients (Italian)

cioccolato in polvere 51,0% (zucchero, cacao), zucchero, cacao fortemente sgrassato 8,0%, emulsionante (lecitina di sola), sale da cucina iodato, aroma.

Nutritional values
100 g 15.0 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 399.0 kCal 61.0 kCal
Energy 1690.0 kJ 260.0 kJ
Fat 5.0 g 0.8 g
Carbohydrates 79.0 g 12.0 g
Sugars 72.0 g 11.0 g
Saturated fat 2.5 g 0.5 g
Fiber 7.0 g 1.0 g
Protein 6.0 g 0.9 g
Salt 0.25 g 0.04 g
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