

Barcode 3073780516723

Switzerland (CH)


250.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Magermilchhydrat, Käse, Butter, Milcheiweiß, Gusseisensalze: Polyphosphate, Citrate, Diphosphate, Natriumorthophosphate und Zitronensäure, Tomatenzusammensetzung 6% für die Tomatensorte (Tomatenkonzentrat, Wasser, Salz, Saccharose, Zwiebel, Knoblauch, Aroma), Zwiebel 2%, für Zwiebelsorte, Salz, Aromen (Geschmacksverstärker: Natriumglutamat), Raucharoma.

Ingredients (English)

rehydrated skimmed milk, cheeses, butter, milk proteins, cast iron salts: polyphosphates, citrates, diphosphates, sodium orthophosphates and citric acid, tomato composition 6% for the tomato variety (tomato concentrate, water, salt, sucrose, onion, garlic, aroma), onion 2%, for onion variety, salt, flavors (flavor enhancer: sodium glutamate), smoke aroma.

Ingredients (French)

lait écrémé réhydraté, fromages, beurre, protéines de lait, sels de fonte: polyphosphates, citrates, diphosphates, orthophosphates de sodium et acide citrique, composition tomate 6% pour la variété à la tomate (concentré de tomate, eau, sel, saccharose, oignon, ail, arôme), oignon 2%, pour la variété à l'oignon, sel, arômes (exhausteur de goût: glutamate de sodium), arôme de fumée.

Ingredients (Italian)

latte scremato reidratato, formaggi, burro, proteine del latte, sali di ghisa: polifosfati, citrati, difosfati, sodio ortofosfati e acido citrico, composizione di pomodoro 6% per la varietà di pomodoro (concentrato di pomodoro, acqua, sale, saccarosio, cipolla, aglio, aroma), cipolla 2%, per varietà di cipolla, sale, aromi (esaltatore di sapidità: glutammato di sodio), aroma di affumicatura.

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 269.0 kCal
Energy 1110.0 kJ
Fat 22.5 g
Saturated fat 15.0 g
Carbohydrates 5.0 g
Sugars 5.0 g
Protein 11.5 g
Salt 2.3 g
Calcium 250.0 mg
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