
Betty Bossi - Schwarze Oliven mariniert - entsteint

Barcode 7613331269256

Switzerland (CH)


150.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Schwarze Oliven 68% (Oliven, Kochsalz, Branntweinessig, Stabilisator [E 579]), Rapsöl, Knoblauch, Peperoni, Petersilie, Olivenöl, Apfelessig, Zucker, Senf, Gewürze, Kochsalz, Nahrungsfasern (Weizenhalm, Weizen), Kräuter.

Ingredients (French)

Olives noires 68% (olives, sel de cuisine, vinaigre d'alcool, stabilisant(E 579), huile de colza, ail, poivrons, persil, huile d'olive, vinaigre de pomme, épices, de cuisine, fibres alimentaires(tiges de blé, froment), herbes aromatiques.

Ingredients (Italian)

Olive nere 68%( olive, sale da cucina, aceto di alcool, stabilizzante (E 579), olio di colza, aglio, peperoni, prezzemolo, olio d'oliva, aceto di mele,zucchero, senape, spezie, sale da cucina, fibre alimentari(culmi di grano, frumento), erbe aromatiche

Nutritional values
100 g 30.0 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 189.0 kCal 57.0 kCal
Energy 790.0 kJ 237.0 kJ
Fat 19.0 g 5.7 g
Carbohydrates 2.0 g 0.6 g
Sugars 2.0 g 0.6 g
Saturated fat 2.5 g 0.75 g
Fiber 3.5 g 1.05 g
Protein 1.5 g 0.45 g
Salt 2.9 g 0.87 g
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