
Coop Chicken breast curry in crust

Barcode 7610846352909

Switzerland (CH)


500.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Blätterteig (Weissmehl [Weizen], Margarine [Palmöl, Wasser, Emulgator [E 471], Säuerungsmittel [E 330]], Wasser, Kochsalz, Zucker), Pouletfleischerzeugnis mit Curryfüllung 41% (Pouletfleisch 30% [Brasilien, Argentinien], Doppelrahmfrischkäse, Wasser, Gemüse [Broccoli, Karotten, Peperoni, Sellerie], Rapsöl, Mais, Kochsalz jodiert, Curry [mit Senf], Antioxidans [E 331], Maltodextrin, Verdickungsmittel [E 415, E 412], Stärken [Wachsreis, Mais], Weizenmehl, Eiweisspulver [aus Bodenhaltung], Traubenzucker, Streuwürze), Aroma.

Ingredients (English)

Puff pastry (white flour [wheat], margarine [palm oil, water, emulsifier [E 471], acidifier [E 330]], water, cooking salt, sugar), curry-stuffed chicken meat product 41 % (30% chicken meat [Brazil, Argentina], double cream cheese, water, vegetables [broccoli, carrots, peppers, celery], rapeseed oil, corn, iodized cooking salt, curry [with mustard], antioxidant [E 331], maltodextrin, thickeners [E 415, E 412], starches [waxy rice, maize], wheat flour, egg white powder (farmed eggs on the ground), dextrose, powdered condiment), aroma.

Ingredients (French)

Pâte feuilletée (farine blanche [froment], margarine [huile de palme, eau, émulsifiant [E 471], acidifiant [E 330]], eau, sel de cuisine, sucre), produit à base de viande de poulet farci au curry 41% (viande de poulet 30% [Brésil, Argentine], fromage frais double-crème, eau, légumes [brocolis, carottes, poivrons, céleri], huile de colza, maïs, sel de cuisine iodé, curry [avec moutarde], antioxydant [E 331], maltodextrine, épaississants [E 415, E 412], amidons [riz cireux, maïs], farine de froment, blanc d'oeuf en poudre [oeufs d'élevage au sol], dextrose, condiment en poudre), arôme.

Ingredients (Italian)

Pasta sfoglia (farina bianca [frumento], margarina [olio di palma, acqua, emulsionante [E 471], acidificante [E 330]], acqua, sale da cucina, zucchero), prodotto a base di carne di pollo con ripieno al curry 41% (carne di pollo 30% [Brasile, Argentina], formaggio fresco alla doppia panna, acqua, verdura [broccoli, carote, peperoni, sedano], olio di colza, mais, sale da cucina iodato, curry [con senape], antiossidante [E 331], maltodestrina, addensanti [E 415, E 412], amidi [riso ceroso, mais], farina di frumento, albume in polvere [uova di allevamento al suolo], destrosio, condimento in polvere), aroma.

Nutritional values
100 g 250.0 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 301.0 kCal 754.0 kCal
Energy 1260.0 kJ
Fat 17.0 g 42.5 g
Saturated fat 8.0 g 20.0 g
Carbohydrates 25.0 g 62.5 g
Sugars 3.5 g 8.8 g
Fiber 1.0 g 2.5 g
Protein 12.0 g 30.0 g
Salt 1.3 g 3.3 g
Sodium 0.52 g 1.3 g
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