
Coop Fuette special bread

Barcode 7630017643988

Switzerland (CH)


150.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Getreidemehle (Weizen [Weiss, Halbweiss], Dinkel, Roggen), Wasser, Kochsalz, jodiert, Hefe, Gerstenmaizmehl, Acerolapulver auf Maniokstärke (zur Backverbesserung). Kochsalzgehalt insgesamt: 1.6%

Ingredients (English)

Cereal flours (white, half white, spelled, rye), water, iodized cooking salt, yeast, barley malt flour, acerola powder with cassava starch (cooking enhancer). Total content of cooking salt: 1.6%

Ingredients (French)

Farines de céréales (froment [blanche, mi-blanche], épeautre, seigle), eau, sel de cuisine iodé, levure, farine de malt d'orge, poudre d'acérola avec fécule de manioc (améliorant de cuisson). Teneur totale en sel de cuisine: 1.6%

Ingredients (Italian)

Farine di cereali (frumento [bianca, semibianca], spelta, segale), acqua, sale da cucina iodato, lievito, farina di malto di orzo, acerola in polvere con amido di manioca (per migliorare la panificazione). Contenuto complessivo de sale da cucina: 1.6%

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 278.0 kCal
Energy 1160.0 kJ
Fat 1.0 g
Carbohydrates 56.0 g
Protein 10.0 g
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