
Danone Actimel Kids Strawberry-Banana

Barcode 4009700074928

Switzerland (CH)


800.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Joghurt, entrahmte Milch, Zucker, 1.3% Erdbeeren, 0.8% Banane. Traubenzucker, Molkenerzeugnis, natürliches Aroma, Vitamins B6 und D, Kultur Lactobacillus Casei.

Ingredients (English)

yoghurt (milk), skim milk, sugar or liquid sugar (sucrose: 7%), strawberry-banana 2.1% (strawberry 1.3%, banana 0.8%), dextrose, milk mineral concentrate, thickener (modified tapioca starch), natural flavors, ferment Lactobacillus Casei (milk), acidity corrector (citric acid), vitamins (B6, D).

Ingredients (French)

yaourt (lait), lait écrémé, sucre ou sucre liquide (saccharose : 7%), fraise-banane 2.1% (fraise 1.3%, banane 0.8%), dextrose, concentré de minéraux du lait, épaississant (amidon modifié de tapioca), arômes naturels, ferment Lactobacillus Casei (lait), correcteur d'acidité (acide citrique), vitamines (B6, D).

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 69.0 kCal
Energy 293.0 kJ
Fat 1.5 g
Carbohydrates 10.4 g
Saturated fat 1.0 g
Sugars 10.3 g
Protein 2.7 g
Salt 0.1 g
Calcium 120.0 mg
Vitamin D (Cholacalciferol) 0.75 µg
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxin) 0.21 mg
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