
Querida Carmen Arroz Con Setas (Rice with mushrooms)

Barcode 8437011320193

Switzerland (CH)


840.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Hähnchenbrühe mit Gemüse (Wasser, Hähnchen, Kartoffeln, Lauch, Kohlensäure, Milchen, Sellerie und Knoblauch,), Pilze, (Boletus edulis 10%), Sahne, Zwiebeln, Margarine, Oliven- und Sonnenblumenöl, Salz, Gewürze und Reis

Ingredients (English)

Chicken broth with vegetables (water, chicken, potatoes, leeks, carbonated, milk, celery and garlic,), mushrooms, (Boletus edulis 10%), cream, onions, margarine, olive and sunflower oil, salt, spices and rice

Ingredients (French)

Bouillon, de poulet et légumes (eau, poulet, pommes de terre, poireau, chou, carottes, céleri et ail), riz, champignons (Boleta Edulis 10%), crème, oignon, margarine, huile d'olive, sel et épices

Ingredients (Italian)

Brodo di pollo e verdure (acqua, carne di pollo, patate, cipolla, porro, carota, olio d’oliva, sedano, aglio e cavolo), funghi (boletus edulis 10%), panna, latte, latte intero in polvere, cipolla, buma, olio di oliva e di semi di girasole

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 34.0 kCal
Energy 143.0 kJ
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