
Sixty % - Pana chocolate (raw, organic, handmade)

Barcode 9346758000000

Switzerland (CH)


45.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Kakao (min. 60%; Kakaobutter, Kakaopulver), Kokosnektar, Kokosöl, Johannisbrot, Ceylon-Zimt, isländisches Meersalz.

Ingredients (English)

Cacao (min 60%; cacao butter, cacao powder), coconut nectar, coconut oil, carob, ceylon cinnamon, Icelandic sea salt.

Ingredients (French)

Cacao (min 60%; beurre de cacao, poudre de cacao), nectar de noix de coco, huile de noix de coco, caroube, cannelle ceylan, sel de mer islandais.

Ingredients (Italian)

Cacao (min 60%, burro di cacao, polvere di cacao), nettare di cocco, olio di cocco, carruba, cannella di ceylon, sale marino islandese.

Nutritional values
100 g 15.0 g
Energy 2340.0 kJ 351.0 kJ
Fat 48.0 g 7.2 g
Sugars 20.6 g 3.1 g
Carbohydrates 33.0 g 4.9 g
Saturated fat 34.7 g 5.2 g
Protein 6.5 g 1.0 g
Salt 0.08 g 0.01 g
Sodium 0.03 g 0.0 g
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