
Chef select Hummus

Barcode 20810405

Switzerland (CH)


200.0 g

Ingredients (German)

48% Kichererbsen, Rapsöl, 10% Sesam, Wasser, 8% peperoni, Zucker, Branntweinessig, Sambal Oelek (Wasser, Tomatenmark dreifach konzentriert, Speisesalz, Gewürze, Branntweinessig, Zucker, chili), Speisesalz, Stärke, modifizierte Stärke, Zitronensaftkonzentrat, Knoblauch, Gewürze Chili, Kräuter, Säureregulator: Natriumacetate; Verdickungsmittel: Guarkernmehl.

Ingredients (English)

48% chickpeas, rapeseed oil, 10% sesame seeds, water, 8% pepperoni, sugar, vinegar, sambal oil (water, concentrated tomato paste, salt, spices, vinegar, sugar, chili), salt, starch, modified starch, lemon juice concentrate, garlic , Spices chili, herbs, acidity regulator: sodium acetate; Thickener: guar gum.

Ingredients (French)

48% de pois chiches, huile de colza, 10% de graines de sésame, eau, 8% de pepperoni, sucre, vinaigre, huile de sambal (eau, concentré de tomates, sel, épices, vinaigre, sucre, piment), sel, amidon, amidon modifié, concentré de jus de citron, ail , Épices chili, herbes, régulateur d'acidité: acétate de sodium; Épaississant: gomme de guar.

Ingredients (Italian)

48% di ceci, olio di colza, 10% di semi di sesamo, acqua, 8% di peperoni, zucchero, aceto, olio di sambal (acqua, concentrato di pomodoro, sale, spezie, aceto, zucchero, peperoncino), sale, amido, amido modificato, concentrato di succo di limone, aglio , Spezie peperoncino, erbe aromatiche, regolatore di acidità: acetato di sodio; Addensante: gomma di guar.

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy 1165.0 kJ
Energy (Calories / kCal) 281.0 kCal
Fat 21.7 g
Saturated fat 2.0 g
Carbohydrates 13.1 g
Sugars 4.3 g
Protein 5.9 g
Salt 2.45 g
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