
Snickers Ice cream

Barcode 5000159460880

Switzerland (CH)


72.5 ml

Ingredients (German)

Zucker, Glukosesirup, Magermilch (13%), Erdnüsse, leichte Sahne (Wasser), Wasser, gesüßte Kondensmilch, Kokosnussfett, Kakaobutter, Palmfett, Kakaomasse, Magermilch Pulver, Milchfett, Laktose, Molkepulver, Emulgatoren

Ingredients (English)

sugar, glucose syrup, skim milk (13%), peanuts, light cream (milk), water, sweetened condensed skim milk, coconut fat, cocoa butter, palm fat, cocoa mass, skim milk powder, milk fat, lactose, whey powder, emulsifiers

Ingredients (French)

sucre, sirop de glucose, lait écrémé (13%), cacahuètes, crème légère (lait), eau, lait écrémé concentré sucré, matière grasse de noix de coco, beurre de cacao, matière grasse de palme, pâte de cacao, lait écrémé en poudre, matière grasse du lait, lactose, petit lait en poudre, émulsifiants

Ingredients (Italian)

zucchero, sciroppo di glucosio, latte scremato (13%), arachidi, crema leggera (latte), acqua, latte scremato condensato zuccherato, grasso di cocco, burro di cacao, grasso di palma, massa di cacao, latte scremato polvere, grasso del latte, lattosio, siero di latte in polvere, emulsionanti

Nutritional values
100 ml 72.5 ml
Energy (Calories / kCal) 338.0 kCal 245.0 kCal
Energy 1410.0 kJ 1022.0 kJ
Fat 19.4 g 14.1 g
Saturated fat 10.2 g 7.4 g
Carbohydrates 34.5 g 25.0 g
Sugars 26.3 g 19.1 g
Protein 5.8 g 4.2 g
Salt 0.22 g 0.16 g
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