

Barcode 7613036153577

Switzerland (CH)


165.0 ml

Ingredients (German)

Standardisierte Vollmilch, Sahne, Zucker, Dextrose, Glucosesirup, Wasser, Molkepulver, Milchproteine, Haselnüsse, Kaffeepulverextrakt (1,8%), Eigelb, karamellisierter Zuckersirup, Stärke ( Tapioka, Reis). Kann andere Nüsse enthalten.

Ingredients (English)

Standardized whole milk, cream, sugar, dextrose, glucose syrup, water, whey powder, milk proteins, hazelnuts, coffee powder extract (1.8%), egg yolk, caramelized sugar syrup, starch ( tapioca, rice). May contain other nuts.

Ingredients (French)

Lait entier standardisé, crème, sucre, dextrose, sirop de glucose, eau, petit-lait en poudre, protéines de lait, noisettes, extrait de café en poudre (1.8%), jaune d'oeuf, sirop de sucre caramélisé, amidon (tapioca, riz). Peut contenir d'autres fruits à coque.

Ingredients (Italian)

Latte intero standardizzato, panna, zucchero, destrosio, sciroppo di glucosio, acqua, siero di latte in polvere, proteine del latte, nocciole, estratto di caffè in polvere (1,8%), tuorlo d'uovo, sciroppo di zucchero caramellato, amido ( tapioca, riso). Può contenere altri dadi.

Nutritional values
100 g 92.0 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 251.0 kCal 231.0 kCal
Energy 1052.0 kJ 967.0 kJ
Fat 12.5 g 11.5 g
Saturated fat 6.1 g 5.6 g
Carbohydrates 30.6 g 28.2 g
Sugars 24.9 g 22.9 g
Fiber 0.3 g 0.3 g
Protein 3.8 g 3.5 g
Salt 0.15 g 0.14 g
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