
Quinori Quinoa mix

Barcode 3380380060977

Switzerland (CH)


500.0 g

Ingredients (German)

rode en Real quinoa (50%), voorgekookte volrijst, kikkererwten sesam

Ingredients (English)

red and Royal quinoa* (50%), precooked whole rice", chick peas, sesame

Ingredients (French)

quinoa" rouge et Real (50%), riz long complet précuit, pois chiches*, sésame

Ingredients (Italian)

quinoa rossa e quinoa Real" (50%), riso integrale precotto", ceci", semi di sesamo*

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 391.0 kCal
Energy 1645.0 kJ
Fat 11.2 g
Saturated fat 1.5 g
Carbohydrates 53.3 g
Sugars 15.8 g
Fiber 10.4 g
Protein 14.2 g
Salt 0.08 g
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