
Spinach falafel

Barcode 7613269868958

Switzerland (CH)


200.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Kichererbsen 43%, Spinat 24%, pflanzliche Öle (Oliven, Raps, Sonnenblumenblüten), Zwiebeln, Weizenmehl, Knoblauch, Paniermehl, Jodsalz, Säuregehalt: E 450i, Stärke Weizen, Backpulver: E 341 und E 500, Pfeffer, orientalischer Kreuzkümmel, Muskatnuss, Gewürze.

Ingredients (English)

Chickpeas 43%, spinach 24%, vegetable oils (olives, rapeseed, sunflower flowers), onions, wheat flour, garlic, breadcrumbs, iodized salt, acidity control: E 450i, starch wheat, baking powders: E 341 and E 500, pepper, oriental cumin, nutmeg, spices.

Ingredients (French)

Pois chiches 43 %, épinards en branches 24 %, huiles végétales (olives, colza, fleurs de tournesol), oignons, farine de blé, ail, chapelure de blé, sel de cuisine iodé, correcteur d'acidité: E 450i, amidon de blé, poudres à lever: E 341 et E 500, poivre, cumin oriental, noix de muscade, épices.

Ingredients (Italian)

Ceci 43%, spinaci 24%, oli vegetali (olive, colza, fiori di girasole), cipolle, farina di frumento, aglio, pane grattugiato, sale iodato, controllo dell'acidità: E 450i, grano d'amido, polvere per dolci: E 341 ed E 500, pepe , cumino orientale, noce moscata, spezie.

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 241.0 kCal
Energy 1005.0 kJ
Fat 13.0 g
Saturated fat 1.0 g
Carbohydrates 20.0 g
Sugars 2.0 g
Fiber 6.0 g
Protein 8.0 g
Salt 1.7 g
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