
Haribo Phantasia

Barcode 4001686390542

Germany (DE)


1000.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Glukosesirup, Zucker, Gelatine, Dextrose, Säuerungsmittel: Zitronensäure; Frucht-und Pflanzenkonzentrate: Apfel, saflor, spirulina, rettich, zitrond, karotte, süsskartoffel, heldelbeere, schwarze Johannisbeere, hibiskus; aroma; karamellsirup; überzugsmittel: Bienenwachs weiss und gelb, Carnaubawachs; Invertzuckersirup. Mindestens haltbar bis Ende.

Ingredients (English)

Glucose syrup, sugar, gelatin, dextrose, acidifier: citric acid; Fruit and vegetable concentrates: apple, safflower, spirulina, radish, citrond, carrot, sweet potato, cranberry, blackcurrant, hibiscus; Aroma; caramel syrup; coating agent: beeswax white and yellow, carnauba wax; Invert. Best before end.

Ingredients (French)

Sirop de glucose, sucre, gélatine, dextrose, acidifiant: acide citrique; Concentrés de fruits et de légumes: pomme, carthame, spiruline, radis, citron, carotte, patate douce, canneberge, cassis, hibiscus; arôme; sirop de caramel; agent d'enrobage: cire d'abeille blanche et jaune, cire de carnauba; Intervertir. Meilleur avant la fin.

Ingredients (Italian)

Sciroppo di glucosio, zucchero, gelatina, destrosio, acidificante: acido citrico; Concentrati di frutta e verdura: mela, cartamo, spirulina, ravanello, cedro, carota, patata dolce, mirtillo, ribes nero, ibisco; aroma; sciroppo di caramello; agente di rivestimento: cera d'api bianca e gialla, cera carnauba; Invertire. Il migliore prima della fine.

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy 1452.0 kJ
Energy (Calories / kCal) 342.0 kCal
Fat 0.5 g
Saturated fat 0.1 g
Carbohydrates 77.0 g
Sugars 47.0 g
Protein 6.6 g
Salt 0.03 g
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