
GRAN MAR - Tintenfisch in Marinade

Barcode 8422819003041

Switzerland (CH)


72.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Tintenfisch (Illex spp), Zwiebeln, Tomatenpüree, Sonnenblumenöl, Salz, Weisswein, Gewürze, Tintenfischtinte ( Zucker, Wasser, E 153, Salz), natürliche Aromen,

Ingredients (French)

Calmars (Illex spp),oignons, concentré de tomates, huile de tournesol, sel, vin blanc, épices, encre de seiche ( sucre, eau, E 153, sel), arômes naturels

Ingredients (Italian)

Calamari (Illex spp), cipolle, concentrato di pomodoro, olio di girasole, sale, vino bianco, spezie, nero di seppia ( zucchero, acqua, E 153, sale), aromi naturali

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 182.0 kCal
Energy 756.0 kJ
Fat 13.0 g
Carbohydrates 1.2 g
Sugars 0.0 g
Saturated fat 13.0 g
Fiber 0.0 g
Protein 15.0 g
Salt 0.9 g
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