
Party mélange de noix

Barcode 7613312104453

Switzerland (CH)


40.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Erdnüsse 34%, Rosinen 25%, Mandeln 20%, Cashewnüsse 19%, pflanzliche Öle (Sonnenblumen, Erdnüsse), Kochsalz. Kann enthalten: Haselnüsse, Pekannüsse, Pistazien, Macadamia / Queensland-Nüsse, Gluten.

Ingredients (English)

peanuts 34%, raisins 25%, almonds 20%, cashew nuts 19%, vegetable oils (sunflower, peanut), cooking salt. May contain: hazelnuts, pecan nuts, pistachios, Macadamia / Queensland nuts, gluten.

Ingredients (French)

arachides 34 %, raisins secs 25 %, amandes 20 %, noix de cajou 19 %, huiles végétales (tournesol, arachide), sel de cuisine. Peut contenir: noisettes, noix de pécan, pistaches, noix de Macadamia/du Queensland, gluten.

Ingredients (Italian)

arachidi 34%, uvetta 25%, mandorle 20%, anacardi 19%, oli vegetali (girasole, arachidi), sale da cucina. Può contenere: nocciole, noci pecan, pistacchi, noci di Macadamia / Queensland, glutine.

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 539.0 kCal
Energy 2240.0 kJ
Fat 39.0 g
Saturated fat 5.8 g
Carbohydrates 24.0 g
Sugars 23.0 g
Fiber 8.2 g
Protein 19.0 g
Salt 0.6 g
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