

Barcode 7613312197400

Switzerland (CH)


75.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Gemüse 69% (Rote Beete, Karotten, Süßkartoffeln), Sonnenblumenöl, Meersalz mit Kräutern, Glukosesirup.

Ingredients (English)

vegetables 69% (beetroot, carrots, sweet potatoes), sunflower oil, sea salt with herbs, glucose syrup.

Ingredients (French)

légumes 69% (betteraves rouges, carottes, patates douces), huile de tournesol, sel marin aux herbes, sirop de glucose.

Ingredients (Italian)

verdure 69% (barbabietole, carote, patate dolci), olio di semi di girasole, sale marino con erbe aromatiche, sciroppo di glucosio.

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 512.0 kCal
Energy 2137.0 kJ
Fat 32.0 g
Saturated fat 2.4 g
Carbohydrates 50.0 g
Sugars 27.0 g
Fiber 2.4 g
Protein 4.9 g
Salt 1.2 g
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