
lach gummies softies

Barcode 4014400917093

Germany (DE)


180.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Glukensirup,zucker,fruchtshaft (22%) aus fruchtsaftkonzentrat (Traube, Holunderbeere), Magermilchjoghurtpulver (5.6%), saurungsmittel (Apfelsaure,citronenGeliermittel pektine, aromen, hydrolysiertes milcheiweiss, vitamin E, pantothensaure, far bender kurkuma-auszug, vitamin b6, biotin, vitamin nb12

Ingredients (English)

lucose syrup, sugar, fruit-based (22%) from fruit juice concentrate (grape, elderberry), skimmed-milk yoghurt powder (5.6%), acidulant (malic acid, citronelaxe pectins, flavorings, hydrolyzed milk protein, vitamin E, pantothenic acid, far bender turmeric extract, vitamin b6, biotin , vitamin nb12

Ingredients (French)

Sirop de glucose, sucre à base de fruits (22%) à partir de concentré de jus de fruit (raisin, sureau), yaourt au lait écrémé en poudre (5,6%), acidulant (acide malique, pectines de citronelle, arômes, protéine de lait hydrolysée, vitamine E, acide pantothénique, extrait de curcuma lointain, vitamine b6, , vitamine nb12

Ingredients (Italian)

Sciroppo di glucosio, zucchero, a base di frutta (22%) da concentrato di succo di frutta (uva, sambuco), yogurt scremato in polvere (5,6%), acidulante (acido malico, pectine citronelaxe, aromi, proteine del latte idrolizzato, vitamina E, acido pantotenico, estratto curcuma di estrema curvatura, vitamina b6, biotina , vitamina nb12

Nutritional values
180.0 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 331.0 kCal
Energy 1409.0 kJ
Fat 0.1 g
Saturated fat 0.1 g
Carbohydrates 74.5 g
Sugars 57.3 g
Protein 4.7 g
Salt 0.44 g
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