
Foodspring - Protein cream

Barcode 4260363484251

Germany (DE)


200.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Süßstoff (Maltit), Molkeproteinkonzentrat (22%), Sonnenblumenöl, Haselnüsse (13%), Süßmolkenpulver, mageres Kakaopulver, Kakaobutter, Kokosnussöl, Emulgator (Sonnenblumenlecithin), natürliches Aroma von Vanille

Ingredients (English)

Sweetener (maltitol), whey protein concentrate (22%), sunflower oil, hazelnuts (13%), sweet whey powder, lean cocoa powder, cocoa butter, coconut oil, emulsifier (sunflower lecithin), natural aroma of vanilla

Ingredients (French)

Édulcorant (maltitol), concentré de protéine de lactosérum (22 %), huile de tournesol, noisettes (13 %), lactosérum doux en poudre, cacao en poudre maigre, beurre de cacao, huile de coco, émulsifiant (lécithine de tournesol), arôme naturel de vanille

Ingredients (Italian)

Dolcificante (maltitolo), concentrato di proteine del siero di latte (22%), olio di girasole, nocciole (13%), siero di latte in polvere dolce, polvere di cacao magro, burro di cacao, olio di cocco, emulsionante (lecitina di girasole), aroma naturale di vaniglia

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy 2154.0 kJ
Energy (Calories / kCal) 519.0 kCal
Fat 37.0 g
Saturated fat 8.4 g
Carbohydrates 33.0 g
Sugars 7.4 g
Protein 21.0 g
Salt 0.2 g
Product data issues

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