
Glowing Italy - Pasta sauce with Emilia Romagna tomatoes and chili

Barcode 4388844016163

Germany (DE)


340.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Tomatenzubereitung 65.2 % (Tomaten gewüurfelt, Tomatensalt), Tomatenmark 13.7 %, natives Olivenöl extra 10 %, Zwiebeln, Karotten, Meer-salz, zucker, Petersilie 0.25 %, Chilipulver 0.15 %, Säureregulator Milchsäure.

Ingredients (English)

Tomato preparation 65.2% (tomatoes, tomato pulp), tomato paste 13.7%, extra virgin olive oil 10%, onions, carrots, sea salt, sugar, parsley 0.25%, chilli powder 0.15%, acidity regulator lactic acid.

Ingredients (French)

Préparation de tomates 65,2% (tomates, pulpe de tomates), pâte de tomates 13,7%, huile d’olive vierge extra 10%, oignons, carottes, sel marin, sucre, persil 0,25%, poudre de piment 0,15%, régulateur d’acidité, acide lactique

Ingredients (Italian)

Preparazione del pomodoro 65,2% (pomodori, polpa di pomodoro), concentrato di pomodoro 13,7%, olio extravergine di oliva 10%, cipolle, carote, sale marino, zucchero, prezzemolo 0,25%, peperoncino 0,15%, acido lattico regolatore di acidità.

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 121.0 kCal
Energy 503.0 kJ
Fat 9.1 g
Carbohydrates 6.0 g
Sugars 5.3 g
Saturated fat 1.3 g
Protein 1.4 g
Salt 1.5 g
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