
Dr.Oetker - Sobe bourbon Vanille

Barcode 4000521009441

Germany (DE)

Ingredients (German)

Zucker, modifizierte Stärke, natürliches Bourbon-Vanille Aroma, Glukosesirup, Palmfett, Emulgator E 472b, Farbstoff (Carotin), Salz, Milcheiweiß, natürliches Aroma (enthält Milchbestandteile), gemahlene extrahierte Vanilleschoten.

Ingredients (English)

Sugar, modified starch, natural bourbon-vanilla flavor, glucose syrup, palm fat, emulsifier E 472b, coloring (carotene), salt, milk protein, natural flavor (contains milk components), ground extracted vanilla pods.

Ingredients (French)

Sucre, amidon modifié, arôme naturel de bourbon et de vanille, sirop de glucose, graisse de palme, émulsifiant E 472b, colorant (carotène), sel, protéines du lait, arôme naturel (contient des composants de lait), gousses de vanille extraites au sol.

Ingredients (Italian)

Zucchero, amido modificato, aroma naturale di vaniglia e bourbon, sciroppo di glucosio, grasso di palma, emulsionante E 472b, colorante (carotene), sale, proteine del latte, aroma naturale (contiene componenti del latte), baccelli di vaniglia estratti a terra.

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 95.0 kCal
Energy 400.0 kJ
Fat 1.6 g
Carbohydrates 17.0 g
Sugars 12.7 g
Saturated fat 0.9 g
Protein 2.9 g
Salt 0.15 g
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