
Yogi Tea joy of life

Barcode 4012824402775

Switzerland (CH)


30.6 g

Ingredients (German)

Basilikum * (50%), Süßholz *, getrockneter Zitronensaft *, Orangenschale * (5%), Zimt *, Ingwer *, Chili * (0,5%), Kardamom *, Nelken *, Pfeffer * schwarz. * ökologischer Landbau

Ingredients (English)

basil * (50%), licorice *, dried lemon juice *, orange peel * (5%), cinnamon *, ginger *, chilli * (0.5%), cardamom *, cloves *, pepper black*. * organic farming

Ingredients (French)

basilic* (50%), réglisse*, jus de citron séché*, zeste d'orange* (5%), cannelle*, gingembre*, piment* (0,5%), cardamome*, clous de girofle*, poivre noir*. * agriculture biologique

Ingredients (Italian)

basilico * (50%), liquirizia *, succo di limone essiccato *, scorza d'arancia * (5%), cannella *, zenzero *, peperoncino * (0,5%), cardamomo *, chiodi di garofano *, pepe * nero. * agricoltura biologica

Nutritional values
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