
Tapporosso milk and cocoa organic ingredients

Barcode 8009310012446

Italy (IT)


200.0 ml

Ingredients (German)

Magermilch aus biologischer Landwirtschaft (85%), Rohrzucker aus biologischer Landwirtschaft, Bio-Kakao (3%), natürliches Aroma.

Ingredients (English)

semi-skimmed milk from organic farming (85%), cane sugar from organic farming, organic cocoa (3%), natural flavor.

Ingredients (French)

lait demi-écrémé issu de l'agriculture biologique (85%), sucre de canne issu de l'agriculture biologique, cacao biologique (3%), arôme naturel.

Ingredients (Italian)

latte parzialmente scremato da agricoltura biologica (85%), zucchero di canna da agricoltura biologica, cacao da agricoltura biologica (3%), aroma naturale.

Nutritional values
100 ml
Energy (Calories / kCal) 83.0 kCal
Energy 349.0 kJ
Fat 2.1 g
Carbohydrates 12.1 g
Sugars 11.8 g
Saturated fat 1.4 g
Fiber 0.8 g
Protein 3.5 g
Salt 0.1 g
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