
Thomy mustard French dijon

Barcode 7613036386081

Switzerland (CH)


450.0 ml

Ingredients (German)

Wasser, Sonnenblumenöl 22%, Tafelessig 8,5%, MUSTARD 6,5% (Tischessig, Wasser, MUSTARD-Samen, Jodsalz, Zucker, Gewürze), MOUTARDE Dijon 4,9% (MUSTARD-Samen, Weinessig Weißwein, Tafelessig, Weißwein (mit SULFITE) (Chasselas Romand) 0,2%, Wasser, Jodsalz, Säuerungsmittel (Weinsäure), Weißweinessig, Maisstärke, modifiziertes Eigelb (EGGS Hühner im Freien), jodiertes Kochsalz (mit Kochsalz), Hefeextrakt, Knoblauchpüree, Gewürze, schwarzer und weißer Pfeffer.

Ingredients (English)

Water, sunflower oil 22%, table vinegar 8.5%, MUSTARD 6.5% (table vinegar, water, MUSTARD seeds, iodized salt, sugar, spices), MOUTARDE Dijon 4.9% (MUSTARD seeds, wine vinegar white, table vinegar, white wine (with SULFITE) (Chasselas romand) 0.2%, water, iodized cooking salt, acidifier (tartaric acid)), white wine vinegar, corn starch, modified EGG yellow (EGGS hens raised outdoors), iodized cooking salt (with cooking salt), yeast extract, garlic puree, spices, black and white pepper.

Ingredients (French)

Eau, huile de tournesol 22%, vinaigre de table 8.5%, MOUTARDE 6.5% (vinaigre de table, eau, graines de MOUTARDE, sel de cuisine iodé, sucre, épices), MOUTARDE Dijon 4.9% (graines de MOUTARDE, vinaigre de vin blanc, vinaigre de table, vin blanc (avec SULFITE) (Chasselas romand) 0.2%, eau, sel de cuisine iodé, acidifiant (acide tartrique)), vinaigre de vin blanc, amidon de maïs, jaune d'OEUF modifié (OEUFS de poules élevées en plein air), sel de cuisine iodé (avec sel de cuisine), extrait de levure, purée d'ail, épices, poivre noir et blanc.

Ingredients (Italian)

Acqua, olio di semi di girasole 22%, aceto di tavola 8,5%, SENAPE 6,5% (aceto di tavola, acqua, semi di senape, sale iodato, zucchero, spezie), MOUTARDE Dijon 4,9% (semi di senape, aceto di vino bianco, aceto di tavola, vino bianco (con SULFITE) (Chasselas romand) 0,2%, acqua, sale da cucina iodato, acidificante (acido tartarico), aceto di vino bianco, amido di mais, tuorlo d'uovo modificato (uova di pollo) all'aperto), sale da cucina iodato (con sale da cucina), estratto di lievito, purea di aglio, spezie, pepe bianco e nero.

Nutritional values
100 ml 30.0 ml
Energy (Calories / kCal) 231.0 kCal 69.0 kCal
Energy 952.0 kJ 286.0 kJ
Fat 24.0 g 7.1 g
Carbohydrates 2.2 g 0.7 g
Sugars 0.0 g 0.0 g
Saturated fat 2.5 g 0.7 g
Fiber 0.6 g 0.0 g
Protein 1.5 g 0.0 g
Salt 1.8 g 0.55 g
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