
Coop biotta cranberries

Barcode 7618500949366

Switzerland (CH)


500.0 ml

Ingredients (German)

Infusion von weißem Tee * (Extraktgehalt 0,1 g / l) (54%) (LK), Preiselbeersaft ** (31%) (Europa) "Vaccinium vitis-idaea", konzentrierter Agavensaft * (15%) (MX). Pasteurisiert. * ökologischer Landbau ** Ernte in freier Wildbahn, aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau

Ingredients (English)

infusion of white tea * (extract content 0.1g / l) (54%) (LK), lingonberry juice ** (31%) (Europe) "Vaccinium vitis-idaea", concentrated agave juice * (15%) (MX). Pasteurized. * organic farming. ** Harvest in the wild, certified organic

Ingredients (French)

infusion de thé blanc* (teneur de l'extrait 0.1g/l) (54%) (LK), jus d'airelles rouges** (31%) (Europe) "Vaccinium vitis-idaea", jus d'agave concentré* (15%) (MX). Pasteurisé. * de l'agriculture biologique. ** de récolte en pleine nature, certifiée bio

Ingredients (Italian)

infusione di tè bianco * (contenuto di estratto 0,1 g / l) (54%) (LK), succo di mirtillo rosso ** (31%) (Europa) "Vaccinium vitis-idaea", succo concentrato di agave * (15%) (MX). Pastorizzato. * agricoltura biologica. ** Vendemmia allo stato brado, certificato biologico

Nutritional values
100 ml
Energy (Calories / kCal) 58.0 kCal
Energy 244.0 kJ
Fat 0.0 g
Saturated fat 0.0 g
Carbohydrates 14.0 g
Sugars 13.0 g
Protein 0.0 g
Salt 0.01 g
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