
Halloween chewy sweets

Barcode 20524791

Switzerland (CH)


1200.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Zucker, Glukosesirup, Palmöl, Gelatine, Feuchthaltemittel Sordit, Säuerungsmittel: Zitronensäure; 1,1% konzentrierter Fruchtsaft (Kirsche, Himbeere, Erdbeere, Orange, Zitrone), Emulgator: Lecithin Lecithin (Sonnenblume): natürliches Aroma, Saftextrakt mit färbenden Eigenschaften (Kurkumaextrakt, konzentrierter schwarzer Möhrensaft, natürliches Aroma von Zitrusfrüchte, natürliches Orangenaroma, konzentrierte Pflanzen mit farbgebenden Eigenschaften (Karotte, Schwarze Johannisbeere) entsprechen 6% Fruchtsaft.

Ingredients (English)

sugar, glucose syrup, palm oil, gelatin, humectant sorditol, acidifier: citric acid; 1.1% concentrated fruit juice (cherry, raspberry, strawberry, orange, lemon), emulsifier: lecithin lecithin (sunflower): natural flavor, juice extract with coloring properties (turmeric extract, concentrated black carrot juice, natural flavor of citrus, natural orange flavor, concentrated plants with coloring properties (carrot, blackcurrant) correspond to 6% fruit juice.

Ingredients (French)

sucre, sirop de glucose, huile de palme, gélatine, humectant sorditol, acidifiant : acide citrique; 1.1% jus de fruit concentrés (cerise, framboise, fraise, orange, citron), émulsifiant : lécitine lécitine (tournesol) : arôme naturel, extrait de jus à propriétés colorantes (extrait de curcuma, jus de carotte noire concentré, arôme naturel d'agrume, arôme naturel d'orange, concentrés de plantes à propriétés colorantes (carotte, cassis) correspondent à 6% jus de fruit.

Ingredients (Italian)

zucchero, sciroppo di glucosio, olio di palma, gelatina, sorditolo umettante, acidificante: acido citrico; 1,1% concentrato di succo di frutta (ciliegia, lampone, fragola, arancia, limone), emulsionante: lecitina di lecitina (girasole): aroma naturale, estratto di succo con proprietà coloranti (estratto di curcuma, succo nero concentrato di carota, aroma naturale di agrumi, aromi naturali di arancia, piante concentrate con proprietà coloranti (carota, ribes nero) corrispondono al 6% di succo di frutta.

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 413.0 kCal
Energy 1744.0 kJ
Fat 7.1 g
Saturated fat 4.0 g
Carbohydrates 85.3 g
Sugars 61.0 g
Protein 1.6 g
Salt 0.0 g
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