
Lien Ying Wok cubes sweet and sour

Barcode 4013200882662

Germany (DE)


40.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Palmfett, Würzmischung (Gewürze (Curry, Koriander, Petersilie, Pfeffer, Pastinaken, Muskatnuss, Ingwer, Kurkuma, Paprika, Chili, Zwiebel), Speisesalz, Dextrose, Gewürzextrakt), Zucker, Sojasauce (Wasser, SOJAbohnen, Zucker, Speisesalz, WEIZEN), Speisesalz, Säuerungsmittel: Citronensäure

Ingredients (English)

Palm fat, spice mixture (spices (curry, coriander, parsley, pepper, parsnip, nutmeg, ginger, turmeric, paprika, chili, onion), salt, dextrose, spice extract), sugar, soy sauce (water, SOY beans, sugar, salt, WHEAT) , Table salt, acidifier: citric acid

Ingredients (French)

Graisse de palme, mélange d'épices (épices (curry, coriandre, persil, poivre, panais, noix de muscade, gingembre, curcuma, paprika, piment, oignon), sel, dextrose, extraits d'épices), sucre, sauce de soja (eau, soja, sucre, sel, blé) , Sel de table, acidifiant: acide citrique

Ingredients (Italian)

Grasso di palma, miscela di spezie (spezie (curry, coriandolo, prezzemolo, pepe, pastinaca, noce moscata, zenzero, curcuma, paprica, peperoncino, cipolla), sale, destrosio, estratto di spezie), zucchero, salsa di soia (acqua, semi di soia, zucchero, sale, FRUMENTO) , Sale da cucina, acidificante: acido citrico

Nutritional values
100 g 40.0 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 619.0 kCal 248.0 kCal
Energy 2590.0 kJ 1036.0 kJ
Fat 60.0 g 24.0 g
Saturated fat 28.0 g 11.0 g
Carbohydrates 19.0 g 7.7 g
Sugars 17.0 g 6.7 g
Protein 1.1 g 0.4 g
Salt 12.0 g 4.8 g
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