
Barilla - Bolognese Soja (Vegan)

Barcode 8076809572552

Switzerland (CH)

Ingredients (German)

Tomatenfruchtfleisch 41%, Gemüse 24% (Karotten 10%, Sellerie 8%, Zwiebel 6%), Tomatenmarkkonzentrat 10.5%, Wasser, Sojaproteine 4.6%, Sonnenblumenöl, Rotwein, Sojasauce 2% (Wasser, Sojabohnen 0.4%, Salz, Branntweinessig), Salz, Maisstärke, natürliche Aromen, Steinpilze (Boletus edulis, reticulatus, aerus, pinicola), Rosmarin, Knoblauch, schwarzer Pfeffer.

Ingredients (French)

Pulpe de tomate 41%, légumes 24% (carotte 10%, céleri 8%, oignon 6%), concentré de tomates 10.5%, eau, protéines de soja 4.6%, huile de tournesol, vin rouge, sauce soja 2% (eau, graines de soja 0.4%, sel, vinaigre d'alcool), sel, amidon, arômes naturels, bolets (Boletus edulis, reticulatus, aerus, pinicola), romarin, ail, poivre noir.

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 94.0 kCal
Energy 390.0 kJ
Fat 5.3 g
Carbohydrates 5.4 g
Sugars 3.0 g
Saturated fat 0.6 g
Fiber 2.5 g
Protein 4.8 g
Salt 1.05 g
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