
Toast & Sandwich

Barcode 7613404016282

Switzerland (CH)


620.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Weizenmehl, Wasser, Rapsöl, Hefe, Weizenprotein, Tafelessig, kodiertes Salz, Zucker, Gerstenmalzmehl, Mehlsilber, Ascorbinsäure.

Ingredients (English)

wheat flour, water, rapeseed oil, yeast, wheat protein, table vinegar, coded salt, sugar, barley malt flour, flour processing silver, ascorbic acid.

Ingredients (French)

farine de blé, eau, huile de colza, levure, protéine de blé, vinaigre de table, sel de cuisine codé, sucre, farine de malt d'orge, argent de traitement de la farine, acide ascorbique.

Ingredients (Italian)

farina di frumento, acqua, olio di colza, lievito, proteine ​​del grano, aceto di tavola, sale codificato, zucchero, farina di malto d'orzo, argento per la lavorazione della farina, acido ascorbico.

Nutritional values
100 g 28.0 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 260.0 kCal 73.0 kCal
Energy 1101.0 kJ 308.0 kJ
Fat 3.1 g 0.9 g
Saturated fat 0.3 g 0.0 g
Carbohydrates 48.0 g 13.0 g
Sugars 4.1 g 1.1 g
Fiber 2.4 g 0.7 g
Protein 8.9 g 2.5 g
Salt 1.6 g 0.45 g
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