
Saint Aubert: Breton Pure Butter Palets

Barcode 3045320052244

Switzerland (CH)


125.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Weizenmehl, Butterreinfett 26,5% (Farbstoff: Carotinoiden), Zucker, Eier, Backtriebmittel: Diphosphate und Natriumkarbonate, Salz, Emulgator : Lecithine [Soja], Sesamsamen und Schalenfrüchten möglich.

Ingredients (English)

Wheat flour, 26.5% pastry butter (dye: carotenoids), sugar, eggs, baking powders: sodium phosphates and carbonates, salt, emulsifier: lecithins [soya]. Traces of nuts and sesame seeds.

Ingredients (French)

Farine de blé, beurre pâtissier 26,5% (colorant: caroténoïdes), sucre, oeufs, poudres à lever: diphosphates et carbonates de sodium, sel, émulsifiant: lécithines [soja]. Traces éventuelles de fruits à coque et graines de sésame.

Ingredients (Italian)

Farina di frumento, burro anidro 26,5% (coloranti: carotenoidi), zucchero, uova, agenti lievitanti difosfati e carbonati di sodio, sale, emulsionante: lecitine [soia]. Può contenere tracce di sesamo e frutta a guscio.

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy 2193.0 kJ
Energy (Calories / kCal) 524.0 kCal
Fat 27.0 g
Saturated fat 18.0 g
Carbohydrates 63.0 g
Sugars 25.0 g
Protein 6.5 g
Salt 0.75 g
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