
Coop Naturaplan Rochers Mandel-Himbeere BIO 2 Stück

Barcode 7613331610836

Switzerland (CH)


42.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Mandeln 36% (Spanien), Kakaobutter (Dominikanische Republik), Rohrzucker (Costa Rica, Paraguay), Vollmilchpulver (Schweiz), Rohrohzucker (Paraguay), Himbeeren gefriergetrocknet 4.5% (Serbien), Glucosesirup, Vanilleextrakt, Meersalz.

Ingredients (French)

amandes 36% (Espagne), beurre de cacao (République dominicaine), sucre de canne (Costa Rica, Paraguay), lait entier en poudre (Suisse), sucre de canne brut (Paraguay), framboises lyophilisées 4.5% (Serbie), sirop de glucose, extrait de vanille, sel marin.

Ingredients (Italian)

mandorle 36% (Spagna), burro di cacao (Republica Dominicana), zucchero di canna (Costa Rica, Paraguay), latte intero in polvere (Svizzera), zucchero di canna greggio (Paraguay), lamponi liofilizzati 4.5% (Serbia), sciroppo di glucosio, estratto di vaniglia, sale marino.

Nutritional values
100 g 21.0 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 605.0 kCal 127.0 kCal
Energy 2530.0 kJ 530.0 kJ
Fat 46.0 g 9.7 g
Saturated fat 18.0 g 3.8 g
Carbohydrates 34.0 g 7.1 g
Sugars 32.0 g 6.7 g
Fiber 4.0 g 0.8 g
Protein 13.0 g 2.7 g
Salt 0.08 g 0.02 g
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