
Coop - Butter Pastetli

Barcode 7613356618787

Switzerland (CH)


140.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Weissmehl (Weizen), eingesottene Butter 33% (Niederlande, Deutschland, Belgien), Wasser, Kochsalz, Volleipulver (aus Bodenhaltung).

Ingredients (French)

Farine blanche (froment), beurre fondu 33% (Pays-Bas, Allemagne, Belgique), eau, sel de cuisine, oeuf entier en poudre (oeufs d'élevage au sol).

Ingredients (Italian)

Farina bianca (frumento), burro fuso 33% (Paesi Bassi, Germania, Belgio), acqua, sale da cucina, uovo intero in polvere (uova di allevamento al suolo).

Nutritional values
100 g 35.0 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 557.0 kCal 196.0 kCal
Energy 2330.0 kJ 820.0 kJ
Fat 38.0 g 13.3 g
Saturated fat 26.0 g 9.1 g
Carbohydrates 44.0 g 15.4 g
Sugars 1.0 g 0.4 g
Fiber 2.5 g 0.9 g
Protein 9.0 g 3.2 g
Salt 1.1 g 0.04 g
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