
Mantua - 2 Pizze Prosciutto

Barcode 8002050038349

Switzerland (CH)


700.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Weizenmehl, passierte Tomaten 19.4%, gekochter geräucherter Schinken 16.9% (Schweinefleisch, Kochsalz, Dextrose, Zucker, Antioxidationsmittel: Natriumascorbat, Konservierungsstoff: Natriumnitrit, Stabilisator: Natriumcitrat), Wasser, Edamer 8.6%, Mozzarella 4.3%, Tomatenwürfel 4.3%, Sonnenblumenöl, Kochsalz, Hefe, Zucker, Oregano, Peperoncini.

Ingredients (French)

Farine de blé, purée de tomate 19.4%, eau, jambon cuit fumé 16.9% (viande de porc, sel, dextrose, sucre, antioxydant: ascorbate de sodium, conservateur: nitrite de sodium, stabilisant: citrate de sodium), édam 8.6%, mozzarella 4.3%, tomate en cubes 4.3%, huile de tournesol, sel, levure, sucre, origan, piment.

Ingredients (Italian)

Farina di frumento, passata di pomodoro 19,4%, prosciutto cotto affumicato 16,9% (carne di suino, sale, destrosio, zucchero, antiossidanti: sodio ascorbato, conservanti: sodio nitrito, stabilizzanti: sodio citrato), acqua, formaggio edam 8,6%, mozzarella 4,3%, pomodoro a cubetti 4,3%, olio di semi di girasole, sale, lievito, zucchero, origano, peperoncino.

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 197.0 kCal
Energy 830.0 kJ
Fat 4.9 g
Carbohydrates 28.8 g
Sugars 2.6 g
Saturated fat 2.2 g
Fiber 1.6 g
Protein 8.6 g
Salt 1.11 g
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