
Cailler of Switzerland Exclusive Pralinés Surfins

Barcode 7613035045088

Switzerland (CH)


241.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Zucker, Kakaomasse, Haselnüsse, gezuckerte Kondensvollmilch, Mandeln, Vollmilchpulver, Butterreinfett, Rahm, Glukose-Fruktosesirup, Kakao, Feuchthaltemittel (Sorbit), Weizenmehl, Sonnenblumenöl, Emulgator (Sonnenblumenlecithin), Aroma, magerer Kakao, Salz, Glukosesirup, Überzugsmittel (Gummi Arabicum), Gerstenmalz, Laktose, karamellisierter Zucker, Vanille-Extrakt, Stabilisator (Invertase). Kann andere Nüsse und Eier enthalten.

Ingredients (English)

sugar, cocoa butter, cocoa mass, hazelnuts, sweetened condensed whole milk, almonds, whole milk powder, butterfat, cream, glucose-fructose syrup, cocoa, humectant (sorbitol), wheat flour, sunflower oil, emulsifiers (sunflower lecithin), flavouring, fat-reduced cocoa, salt, glucose syrup, glazing agent (gum arabic), barley malt, lactose, caramelised sugar, vanilla extract, stabilizer (invertase). May contain other nuts and eggs. Milk chocolate contains: milk solids: 14% minimum.

Ingredients (French)

sucre, beurre de cacao, pâte de cacao, noisettes, lait entier condensé sucré, amandes, lait entier en poudre, beurre fondu, crème, sirop de glucose-fructose, cacao, humectant (sorbitol), farine de blé, huile de tournesol, émulsifiant (lécithine de tournesol), arôme, cacao maigre, sel, sirop de glucose, agent d'enrobage (gomme arabique), malt d'orge, lactose, sucre caramélisé, extrait de vanille, stabilisant (invertase). Peut contenir d'autres fruits à coque et œufs.

Ingredients (Italian)

zucchero, burro di cacao, pasta di cacao, nocciole, latte intero condensato zuccherato, mandorle, latte intero in polvere, burro fuso, panna, sciroppo di glucosio-fruttosio, cacao, agente umidificante (sorbitolo), farina di frumento, olio di girasole, emulsionante (lecitina di girasole), aroma, cacao magro, sale, sciroppo di glucosio, agento di rivestimento (gomma arabica), malto d'orzo, lattosio, zucchero caramellato, estratto di vaniglia, stabilizzante (invertase). Può contenere altri frutti a guscio e uova.

Nutritional values
100 g 25.0 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 556.0 kCal 139.0 kCal
Energy 2317.0 kJ 579.0 kJ
Fat 36.5 g 9.1 g
Carbohydrates 48.1 g 12.0 g
Sugars 45.1 g 11.3 g
Saturated fat 15.6 g 3.9 g
Fiber 4.9 g 1.2 g
Protein 6.4 g 1.6 g
Salt 0.1 g 0.02 g
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