
Migros - mint sauce and peanuts

Barcode 7613269644163

Switzerland (CH)

Ingredients (German)

Zucker, CACAHUETES 16% (CACAHUETES, Rapsöl, Kochsalz), Minzblätter 11%, Wasser, Zitronensaft (Konzentrat, Konservierungsmittel: METABISULFITE DE POTASSIUM), Fischsoße (ANCHOIS 65-Extrakt %, Wasser, Kochsalz, Zucker)

Ingredients (English)

sugar, CACAHUETES 16% (CACAHUETES, rapeseed oil, cooking salt), mint leaves 11%, water, lemon juice (concentrate-based, preservative: METABISULFITE DE POTASSIUM), FISH sauce (ANCHOIS 65 extract %, water, cooking salt, sugar)

Ingredients (French)

sucre, CACAHUETES 16% (CACAHUETES, huile de colza, sel de cuisine), feuilles de menthe 11%, eau, jus de citron (à base de concentré, conservateur : METABISULFITE DE POTASSIUM), sauce de POISSON (extrait d'ANCHOIS 65%, eau, sel de cuisine, sucre)

Ingredients (Italian)

zucchero, CACAHUETES 16% (CACAHUETES, olio di colza, sale da cucina), foglie di menta 11%, acqua, succo di limone (a base concentrata, conservante: METABISULFITE DE POTASSIUM), salsa FISH (estratto ANCHOIS 65 %, acqua, sale da cucina, zucchero)

Nutritional values
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