
Hamburger duo with ketchup

Barcode 7617027978842

Switzerland (CH)


264.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Spezialbrot 48% (WEIZENmehl, Wasser, Zucker, Rapsöl, SESAM, WEIZENGLUTEN, Hefe, jodiertes Kochsalz, Traubenzucker, Emulgatoren: E471 und E472e, Kartoffelstärke, GERSTENmalzmehl, Mehlbehandlungsmittel: Ascorbinsäure), Burger 37 % (Rindfleisch, Wasser, WEIZENmehl, Zwiebeln, jodiertes Kochsalz, Gewürzzubereitung, Antioxidationsmittel: E 331, Maltodextrin, Streuwürze, Hefe, Reismehl, Aroma), Ketchup 15% (Tomatenpüree, Wasser, Zucker, Tafelessig, Kochsalz, Maisstärke, Gewürze).

Ingredients (English)

special bread 48% [WHEAT flour, water, sugar, rapeseed oil, SESAME, WHEAT GLUTEN, yeast, iodized salt, glucose, emulsifiers: E471 and E472e, potato starch, barley malt flour , flour treatment agent: ascorbic acid], burger 37% (beef, water, WHEAT flour, onions, iodized cooking salt, spice preparation, antioxidant: E 331, maltodextrin, powdered condiment, yeast , rice flour, aroma), 15% ketchup (tomato puree, water, sugar, table vinegar, cooking salt, corn starch, spices).

Ingredients (French)

pain spécial 48% [farine de BLÉ, eau, sucre, huile de colza, SÉSAME, GLUTEN DE BLÉ, levure, sel de cuisine iodé, glucose, émulsifiants: E471 et E472e, fécule de pommes de terre, farine de malt d'orge, agent de traitement de la farine: acide ascorbique], burger 37 % (viande de bœuf, eau, farine de BLÉ, oignons, sel de cuisine iodé, préparation d'épices, antioxydant: E 331, maltodextrine, condiment en poudre, levure, farine de riz, arôme), ketchup 15% (purée de tomate, eau, sucre, vinaigre de table, sel de cuisine, amidon de maïs, épices).

Ingredients (Italian)

pane speciale 48% [farina di FRUMENTO, acqua, zucchero, olio di colza, SESAMO, GLUTINE DI FRUMENTO, lievito, sale iodato, glucosio, emulsionanti: E471 ed E472e, fecola di patate, farina di malto d'orzo , agente di trattamento della farina: acido ascorbico], hamburger 37% (carne di manzo, acqua, farina di FRUMENTO, cipolle, sale da cucina iodato, preparazione delle spezie, antiossidante: E 331, maltodestrina, condimento in polvere, lievito , farina di riso, aroma), ketchup 15% (passata di pomodoro, acqua, zucchero, aceto di tavola, sale da cucina, amido di mais, spezie).

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 235.0 kCal
Energy 989.0 kJ
Fat 7.0 g
Carbohydrates 29.0 g
Sugars 4.5 g
Saturated fat 2.5 g
Fiber 2.0 g
Protein 13.0 g
Salt 1.1 g
Greub Chloé Reviewed task answer of Hamburger duo with ketchup
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