
FARMER Soft Strawberry & Mandoria

Barcode 7613312060919

Switzerland (CH)


120.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Getreide 31% (Reis, Hafer, Mais, Weizen) Glukosesirup, Traubenzucker, Feuchthaltemittel: Sorbitsirup, Sojakerne, Rohrzucker roh, Madeln 6%, Erdbeeren getrocknet 3.5%, Kokosraspel, Palmfett, Maltodextrin, Zucker, Kochsalz, Säuerungsmittel: Citronensäure, natürliches Aroma, Gerstenmalzextrakt.

Ingredients (English)

cereals 31% (rice, oats, corn, wheat), glucose syrup, grape sugar, humidifier: sorbitol syrup, soybeans, raw cane sugar, 6% almonds, 3.5% dried strawberries, grated coconut, fat of palm, maltrodestrina, sugar, cooking salt, acidifier: critical acid, natural flavor, barley malt extract.

Ingredients (French)

céréales 31% (riz, avoine, maïs, blé), sirop de glucose, sucre de raisin, humectant: sirop de sorbitol, graines de soja, sucre de canne brut, amandes 6%, fraises séchées 3.5%, noix de coco râpée, graisse de palme, maltodextrine, sucre, sel de cuisine, acidifiant: acide citrique, arôme naturel, extrait de malt d'orge.

Ingredients (Italian)

cereali 31% (riso, avena, mais, frumento), sciroppo di glucosio, zucchero d'uva, umidificante: sciroppo di sorbitolo, semi di soia, zucchero di canna grezzo, mandorle 6%, fragole essiccate 3.5%, cocco grattugiato, grasso di palma, maltrodestrina, zucchero, sale da cucina, acidificante: acido critico, aroma naturale, estratto di malto d'orzo.

Nutritional values
100 g 20.0 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 393.0 kCal 80.0 kCal
Energy 1660.0 kJ 340.0 kJ
Fat 10.0 g 2.0 g
Carbohydrates 68.0 g 14.0 g
Sugars 31.0 g 6.0 g
Saturated fat 3.5 g 0.7 g
Fiber 4.5 g 0.9 g
Protein 8.0 g 1.5 g
Salt 0.42 g 0.08 g
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