
Larry's Citrus-mix

Barcode 7613269295853

Switzerland (CH)


45.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Isomalt, Säuerungsmittel: Apfelsäure, Zitronensaftkonzentrat 0.3%, Orangensaftkonzentrat 0.2%, Aromen, Süssungsmittel: Acesulfam K und Neohesperidin DC, Holundersaftkonzentrat, Farbstoff: Kurkumin.

Ingredients (English)

isomaltol, acidifier: malic acid, concentrated lemon juice 0.3%, concentrated orange juice 0.2%, flavorings, sweeteners, acesulfame K and neohesperidine DC, concentrated elderberry juice, coloring agent: curcumin.

Ingredients (French)

isomaltol, acidifiant: acide malique, jus de citron concentré 0.3%, jus d'orange concentré 0.2%, arômes, édulcorants, acésulfame K et néohespéridine DC, jus de baies de sureau concentré, colorant: curcumine.

Ingredients (Italian)

isomaltolo, acidificante: acido malico, succo di limone concentrato 0,3%, succo d'arancia concentrato 0,2%, aromi, dolcificanti, acesulfame K e neoesperidina DC, succo concentrato di sambuco, colorante: curcumina.

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 239.0 kCal
Energy 996.0 kJ
Fat 0.0 g
Saturated fat 0.0 g
Carbohydrates 97.0 g
Sugars 0.5 g
Fiber 0.0 g
Protein 0.0 g
Salt 0.0 g
Jil Reviewed task answer of Larry's Citrus-mix
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