
Blévita Biscuit Choco

Barcode 7613312050835

Switzerland (CH)


248.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Vollkornmehl 37%, Haferflocken 24%, Zucker, pflanzliche Öle (Palm, Raps), Kakaomasse, magerer Kakao, Backpulver: E 503, E 500, Kakaobutter, Meersalz, natürliches Aroma Emulgator: Sojalecithine. Kann Milch, Eier und Nüsse enthalten.

Ingredients (English)

whole wheat flour 37%, oatmeal 24%, sugar, vegetable oils (palm, rapeseed), cocoa mass, lean cocoa, baking powder: E 503, E 500, cocoa butter, sea salt, natural flavor , emulsifier: soy lecithins. May contain milk, eggs and nuts.

Ingredients (French)

farine de blé complet 37%, flocons d'avoine 24%, sucre, huiles végétales (palme, colza), pâte de cacao, cacao maigre, poudres à lever: E 503, E 500, beurre de cacao, sel marin, arôme naturel, émulsifiant: lécithines de soja. Peut contenir du lait, des oeufs et des fruits à coque.

Ingredients (Italian)

farina di grano integrale 37%, farina d'avena 24%, zucchero, oli vegetali (palma, colza), massa di cacao, cacao magro, polvere lievitante: E 503, E 500, burro di cacao, sale marino, aroma naturale emulsionante: lecitina di soia. Può contenere latte, uova e noci.

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 478.0 kCal
Energy 2002.0 kJ
Fat 20.0 g
Carbohydrates 59.0 g
Sugars 18.0 g
Saturated fat 8.0 g
Fiber 9.0 g
Protein 11.0 g
Salt 0.66 g
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