
Bruschetta Mascarpone Aubergine, Olives

Barcode 3253330812028

Switzerland (CH)


100.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Aubergine 40%, Oliven, (grüner, schwarzer und griechischer Weg) 11,4%, Mascarpone (Sahne, Milch, Zitronensäure), 10%, Sahne (Milchcreme, Verdickungsmittel: Carrageenan), Sonnenblumenöl, Schalotte, Knoblauch, Tomaten, Salz, Pfeffer, Chili, Beeren, Inseln, Zwiebeln, Frühling, modifizierte Maisstärke. Dieses Produkt kann Spuren enthalten von: Krebstieren, Fisch, Eiern, Senf und Sulfiten.

Ingredients (English)

Eggplant 40%, Olives, (green, black and Greek way) 11.4%, mascarpone (cream, milk, citric acid), 10%, cream, (cream of milk, thickener: carrageenans), sunflower oil, shallot, garlic, tomatoes, salt, pepper, chilli, berries, islands, onions, spring, modified corn starch. This product may contain traces of: crustaceans, fish, eggs, mustard, sulphites.

Ingredients (French)

aubergine 40%, Olives, ( vertes, noires et façon grece) 11.4%, mascarpone ( créme,lait, acide citrique), 10%, crème, (crème de lait, épaisissant: carraghénanes), huile de tournesol, échalote, ail, tomates, sel, poivre, piment, baies, des iles, oignons, de printemps, amidon modifié de mais. Ce produit peut contenir des traces de : crustacés, poissons, oeufs, moutarde, sulfites.

Ingredients (Italian)

Melanzane 40%, Olive, (modo verde, nero e greco) 11,4%, mascarpone (panna, latte, acido citrico), 10%, crema, (crema di latte, addensante: carragenine), olio di girasole, scalogno, aglio, pomodori, sale, pepe, peperoncino, frutti di bosco, isole, cipolle, primavera, amido di mais modificato. Questo prodotto può contenere tracce di: crostacei, pesce, uova, senape, solfiti.

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 163.0 kCal
Energy 674.0 kJ
Fat 14.5 g
Carbohydrates 6.5 g
Protein 1.6 g
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