
Barilla: Penne All'Arrabbiata (tomato sauce and chilli)

Barcode 8076809542395

Switzerland (CH)


300.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Gekochte Teigwaren aus Hartweizengriess (Wasser, Teigware aus Hartweizengriess 25.8%, Salz), Tomatenfruchtfleisch 31%, Tomatenkonzentrat 2.7%, Sonnenblumenöl 1.9%, Zwiebel, Salz, Knoblauch, Petersilie 0.4%, Maisstärke, Zucker, Chili 0.04%, natürliches Basilikumaroma

Ingredients (English)

cooked durum wheat semolina pasta (water, durum wheat semolina pasta 26.4%, salt), chopped tomatoes 31%, tomato concentrate 2.7%, sunflower seed oil 1.9%, onion, salt, garlic, parsley 0.4%, maize starch, sugar, chilli pepper 0.04%, natural basil flavouring

Ingredients (French)

pâtes de semoule de blé dur cuites (eau, pâtes de semoule de blé dur 26.4%, sel), pulpe de tomate 31%, concentré de tomate 2.7%, huile de tournesol 1.9%, oignon, sel, ail, persil 0.4%, amidon de maïs, sucre, piment 0.04%, arôme naturel basilic

Ingredients (Italian)

pasta di semola di grano duro cotta (acqua, semola di grano duro 26,4%, sale), polpa di pomodoro 31%, concentrato di pomodoro 2,7%, olio di semi di girasole 1,9%, cipolla, sale, aglio, prezzemolo 0,4%, amido di mais, zucchero, peperoncino 0,04%, aroma naturale di basilico

Nutritional values
100 g 300.0 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 123.0 kCal 369.0 kCal
Energy 519.0 kJ 1557.0 kJ
Fat 2.2 g 6.6 g
Saturated fat 0.2 g 0.6 g
Carbohydrates 21.6 g 64.8 g
Sugars 2.5 g 7.5 g
Fiber 2.0 g 6.0 g
Protein 3.2 g 9.6 g
Salt 0.65 g 1.95 g
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