
Alnavit Organic Yellow Smoothie

Barcode 42284086

Switzerland (CH)


250.0 ml

Ingredients (German)

Apfelpüree 45%, Karottensaft mit Püreeanteil 25%, Acerolapüree 10%, Mangopüree, Sanddornpüree, Gojibeerensaft 4%, Ingwersaft 2%, Limettensaft, Zitronensaft, Kurkumapulver 0,1%

Ingredients (English)

45% apple puree, 25% puree carrot juice, 10% Barbados cherry puree, mango purée, sea buckthorn puree, 4% goji berries juice, 2% ginger juice, lime, lemon juice, turmeric powder 0.1%

Ingredients (French)

purée de pomme 45%, jus de carotte à base de purée 25%, purée de cerises de la Barbade 10%, purée de mangue, purée d'argousier, jus de baies de goji 4%, jus de gingembre 2%, jus de limette, jus de citron, poudre de curcuma 0,1%

Ingredients (Italian)

45% di purea di mele, 25% di succo di carota pura, 10% di purea di Barbados, purea di mango, purea di olivello spinoso, 4% di succo di bacche di goji, 2% di succo di zenzero, lime, succo di limone, polvere di curcuma 0,1%

Nutritional values
100 ml
Energy (Calories / kCal) 41.0 kCal
Energy 172.0 kJ
Fat 0.3 g
Saturated fat 0.1 g
Carbohydrates 8.7 g
Sugars 8.4 g
Fiber 0.6 g
Protein 0.5 g
Salt 0.03 g
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