

Barcode 5034444112109

Switzerland (CH)


350.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Tomaten, Wasser, Olivenöl, Zucker, Aprikosen 6% (mit Reismehl, Konservierungsstoff: E 220), Würze (Reismehl, Koriander 1.5%, Kochsalz, Minze, Knoblauchpulver, Paprikapulver, Cayennepfeffer, Zimt, Kreuzkümmel, Zitronenfruchtpulver, Petersilie, Kümmel, Pfeffer, Farbstoff: E 160c), Knoblauchpüree, Korianderblätter, Säureregulator: Citronensäure

Ingredients (English)

Tomatoes, water, olive oil, sugar, apricots 6% (with rice flour, preservative: E 220), condiment (rice flour, coriander 1.5%, cooking salt, mint, garlic powder, paprika powder, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, oriental cumin, lemon fruit powder, parsley, caraway, pepper, coloring: E 160c), garlic puree, coriander leaves, acidity corrector: citric acid

Ingredients (French)

Tomates, eau, huile d'olive, sucre, abricots 6% (avec farine de riz, conservateur: E 220), condiment (farine de riz, coriandre 1.5%, sel de cuisine, menthe, ail en poudre, paprika en poudre, poivre de Cayenne, cannelle, cumin oriental, fruit de citron en poudre, persil, cumin, poivre, colorant: E 160c), purée d'ail, feuilles de coriandre, correcteur d’acidité: acide citrique

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 93.0 kCal
Energy 390.0 kJ
Fat 3.0 g
Carbohydrates 15.0 g
Protein 1.5 g
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