
Alnavit Superfruit juice with acai berries

Barcode 42279013

Switzerland (CH)


330.0 ml

Ingredients (German)

Granatapfelsaft* 37%, Traubensaft* rot, Holundersaft*, Cranberrysaft* (Vaccinium macrocarpon), Aroniasaft*8%, Preiselbeersaft*, Schwarzer Johannisbeersaft*, Heidelbeersaft* 4%, Açaimark*2%

Ingredients (English)

pomegranate juice * 37%, red grape juice *, elderberry juice *, cranberry juice * (Vaccinium macrocarpon), aronia juice * 8%, blueberry juice *, blackcurrant juice *, blueberry juice * 4%, acai berry pulp * 2%

Ingredients (French)

jus de grenade* 37%, jus de raisin* rouge, jus de sureau*, jus de canneberge* (Vaccinium macrocarpon), jus d'aronia*8%, jus d'airelle*, jus de cassis*, jus de myrtille* 4%, pulpe de baie d'açaï* 2%

Ingredients (Italian)

succo di melograno * 37%, succo d'uva rossa *, succo di sambuco *, succo di mirtillo * (Vaccinium macrocarpon), succo di aronia * 8%, succo di mirtillo *, succo di ribes nero *, succo di mirtillo * 4%, polpa di bacche di acai * 2%

Nutritional values
100 ml
Energy (Calories / kCal) 56.0 kCal
Energy 238.0 kJ
Fat 0.5 g
Carbohydrates 14.0 g
Sugars 14.0 g
Saturated fat 0.1 g
Fiber 0.5 g
Protein 0.5 g
Salt 0.01 g
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