
Nestlé Frisco - Caramel ice cream with pieces of nougat

Barcode 7613034929136

Switzerland (CH)


750.0 ml

Ingredients (German)

Magermilch, Rahm 26 %, Zucker, Glukosesirup, Molkenpulver, Nougat-Splitter 2.6 % (Zucker, Haselnüsse, Gerstenmalz), Caramel 2.6 % (Zucker, Wasser), Magermilchpulver, Eigelb, Frucht- Gemüse- und Pflanzenkonzentrate (Färberdistel, Kurbis, Apfel, Zitrone), Stabilisatoren (Guarkernmehl, Johannisbrotkernmehl), Invertzuckersirup, natürliches Aroma. Kann andere Nüsse enthalten

Ingredients (English)

Skimmed milk, 26% cream, sugar, glucose syrup, powdered whey, 2.6% nougat pieces (sugar, hazelnuts, barley malt), caramel 2.6% (sugar, water), skimmed milk powder, yellow Eggs, fruit concentrates, vegetables and herbs (safflower, squash, apple, lemon), stabilizers (guar gum, carob seed flour), invert sugar syrup, natural flavor. May contain other nuts.

Ingredients (French)

Lait écrémé, crème 26 %, sucre, sirop de glucose, petit-lait en poudre, morceaux de nougat 2.6 % (sucre, noisettes, malt d' orge), caramel 2.6 % (sucre, eau), lait écrémé en poudre, jaune d'œuf, concentrés de fruits, légumes et plantes (carthame, courge, pomme, citron), stabilisants (gomme guar, farine de graines de caroube), sirop de sucre inverti, arôme naturel. Peut contenir d'autres fruits à coque.

Ingredients (Italian)

Latte scremato, crema al 26%, zucchero, sciroppo di glucosio, siero di latte in polvere, 2,6% di pezzi di torrone (zucchero, nocciole, malto d'orzo), caramello 2,6% (zucchero, acqua), latte scremato in polvere, giallo Uova, concentrati di frutta, verdure ed erbe (cartamo, zucca, mela, limone), stabilizzanti (gomma di guar, farina di semi di carruba), sciroppo di zucchero invertito, aroma naturale. Può contenere altri dadi.

Nutritional values
100 ml 94.0 ml
Energy (Calories / kCal) 107.0 kCal 100.0 kCal
Energy 446.0 kJ 420.0 kJ
Fat 5.2 g 4.9 g
Carbohydrates 13.1 g 12.4 g
Sugars 12.2 g 11.5 g
Saturated fat 2.7 g 2.6 g
Fiber 0.1 g 0.1 g
Protein 1.8 g 1.7 g
Salt 0.09 g 0.08 g
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