
Chef dessert, oranges givrées - 4 Orange sorbet in natural shell

Barcode 3331480000080

Switzerland (CH)


270.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Wasser, rekonstituiertes Orangensaftkonzentrat 26%, Glukose-Fruktose-Sirup, Zucker, Zironensaftkonzentrat, natürliches Orangenaroma 0.8%, Verdickungsmittel (Xanthan, Guarkernmehl), Geliermittel: Pektin. Kann Spuren von: Ei, Milch, Schalenfrüchte, Gluten, Soja und Sesamsamen enthalten

Ingredients (English)

Water, reconstituted orange juice concentrate 26%, glucose-fructose syrup, sugar, concentrated lemon juice, natural orange flavouring 0.8%, thickeners (xanthan gum, guar gum), gelling agent: pectin. May contain: egg, milk, tree nuts, gluten, soybeans and sesame seeds.

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 115.0 kCal
Energy 487.0 kJ
Fat 0.0 g
Carbohydrates 28.4 g
Sugars 26.7 g
Protein 0.0 g
Salt 0.03 g
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