
Hero - Triangoli

Barcode 7614200011747

Switzerland (CH)


430.0 g

Ingredients (English)

Water, meat 10.0% [Switzerland] (beef, smoked pork meat [pork, nitrite salt [cooking salt, preservative (sodium nitrite)], sugar, stabilizers [E450, E451], dextrose, antioxidants [ sodium ascorbate, citric acid], spice extracts]), DURUM WHEAT SEMOLINA, concentrated tomato purée 6.4%, mushrooms 3.6%, PANURE, EGG pasta. 1.3%, carrots, preparation of spices (cooking salt, spices, flavor enhancer [sodium glutamate], sugar, LACTOSE, concentrated vegetable juice powder, spices extracts [WITH CELERY], onion extract, flavorings, coloring [E150c]), cooking salt, spices, red peppers, corn starch, pork fat, sugar, dried condiment (WITH HYDROLYSIS SOYA AND WHEAT PROTEIN), sunflower oil, herbs, flavor enhancer [ sodium glutamate]. MAY CONTAIN TRACES OF: MUSTARD.

Ingredients (French)

Eau, viande 10.0% [Suisse] (viande de bœuf, viande de porc fumée [viande de porc, sel nitrité [sel de cuisine, conservateur (nitrite de sodium)], sucre, stabilisants [E450, E451], dextrose, antioxydants [ascorbate de sodium, acide citrique], extraits d’épices]), SEMOULE DE BLÉ DUR, purée de tomates concentré 6.4%, champignons 3.6%, PANURE, ŒUF past. 1.3%, carottes, préparation d’épices (sel de cuisine, épices, exhausteur de saveur [glutamate de sodium], sucre, LACTOSE, jus de légumes concentré en poudre, extraits d’épices [AVEC CÉLERI], extrait d’oignons, arômes, colorant [E150c]), sel de cuisine, épices, poivrons rouges, amidon de maïs, lard de porc, sucre, condiment séché (AVEC PROTÉINES DE SOJA ET DE FROMENT HYDROLYSÉES), huile de tournesol, herbes, exhausteur de saveur [glutamate de sodium]. PEUT CONTENIR DES TRACES DE: MOUTARDE.

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 81.0 kCal
Energy 343.0 kJ
Fat 1.8 g
Carbohydrates 11.0 g
Sugars 2.8 g
Saturated fat 0.6 g
Fiber 2.0 g
Protein 4.3 g
Salt 1.5 g
Jil Reviewed task answer of Hero - Triangoli
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