
Lurisia - La nostra aranciata

Barcode 8032919465108

Switzerland (CH)


275.0 ml

Ingredients (German)

Wasser, Orangensaft (20%), Rohrzucker, Zitronensaft, Acerolasaft, Kohlensäure, natürliche Orangenaromen, Extrakte Apfeln, Färbedisteln, Zitronen und Möhren, Extrakt aus Orangen aus Apulien (0,06%)

Ingredients (English)

water, orange juice (20%), cane sugar, lemon juice, acerola juice, carbon dioxide, orange natural flavourings, apple, safflower, lemon and carrot extracts, extract of Puglia orange (0.06%)

Ingredients (Italian)

acqua, succo d'arancia (20%), zucchero di canna, succo di limone, succo di acerola, anidride carbonica, aromi naturali di arancia, estratti di mela, cartamo, limone e carota, estratto di arancia di Puglia (0,06%)

Nutritional values
100 ml
Energy (Calories / kCal) 57.0 kCal
Energy 244.0 kJ
Fat 0.0 g
Carbohydrates 14.2 g
Sugars 14.2 g
Saturated fat 0.0 g
Protein 0.0 g
Salt 0.0 g
Jil Reviewed task answer of Lurisia - La nostra aranciata
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