
Creme d'or Special black cherry

Barcode 7617400050141

Switzerland (CH)


750.0 ml

Ingredients (German)

Vollmilch 32%, Rahm 24%, Glucose-Fructosesirup, Zucker, Sauerkirschen 9%, Traubenzucker, Magermilchpulver, Inulin, Milchprotein, Eigelb (aus Freilandhaltung), Reismehl, Reisstärke, Apfel-Extrakt, natürliche Aromen, Zitronensaft, Holunderbeere-Konzentrat.

Ingredients (English)

whole milk 32%, cream 24%, glucose-fructose syrup, sugar, sour cherries 9%, glucose, skimmed milk powder, inulin, milk protein, egg yolk (outdoor), rice flour , rice starch, apple extract, natural flavors, lemon juice, elderberry concentrate.

Ingredients (French)

lait entier 32%, crème 24%, sirop de glucose-fructose, sucre, griottes 9%, glucose, lait écrémé en poudre, inuline, protéines du lait, jaune d'œuf (d'élevage en plein air), farine de riz, amidon de riz, extrait de pomme, arômes naturels, jus de citron, concentré de baies de sureau.

Ingredients (Italian)

latte intero 32%, panna 24%, sciroppo di glucosio-fruttosio, zucchero, amarene 9%, glucosio, latte magro in polvere, inulina, proteine del latte, tuorlo d'uovo (d'allevamento all'aperto), farina di riso, amido di riso, estratto di mela, aromi naturali, succo di limone, concentrato di bacche di sambuco.

Nutritional values
100 g 50.0 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 223.0 kCal 112.0 kCal
Energy 940.0 kJ 470.0 kJ
Fat 10.0 g 5.0 g
Carbohydrates 28.0 g 14.0 g
Sugars 25.0 g 13.0 g
Saturated fat 6.0 g 3.0 g
Fiber 2.5 g 1.5 g
Protein 4.0 g 2.0 g
Salt 0.1 g 0.1 g
Jil Reviewed task answer of Creme d'or Special black cherry
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